
failed to lock /etc/exports.d/zfs.exports.lock: Read-only file system in core-services/03-filesystems.sh

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It seems we are mounting the zfs pool as read-only first, then zfs share -a will attempt to place a lock /etc/exports.d/zfs.exports.lock which causes the issue in the title. I wonder if we should mount the pool as read-write earlier to avoid the error?

Also a separate question, how do I check the log for the runit boot process? I literally took a screenshot during booting to create this issue. I've setup socklog according to the docs, but I couldn't find the error: failed to lock /etc/exports.d/zfs.exports.lock: Read-only file system anywhere in the /var/log.

I think only the zfs share operation should be moved behind the remount rw.

Void doesn't keep logs from boot output, unfortunately.