
can't boot with latest kernel

erdosnew opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, after I upgraded my void linux machine, i couldn't boot with the latest kernel 5.4.50. Previous kernel 4.19 boots fine.

The system stuck at 'check Ramdisk...' and hangs. I have nvidia Graphics card.

any advice?

Have you tried regenerating your initramfs? xbps-reconfigure -f linux5.4

What nvidia drivers do you have, btw? They might not be fully compatible with 5.4 if they're too old

I'll give it a try.

I have a NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT card.

Which driver are you using? NVIDIA or nouveau? The nvidia website points to your card not being supported by their drivers any more, unfortunately: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/123709/en-us

That said, this issue should be moved to void-packages.