
Cryptsetup fails on boot when using option "keyfile-offset"

Mirodin opened this issue · 1 comments


  • xuname: Void 5.12.19_1 x86_64 AuthenticAMD notuptodate rrrrmmnFFFF
  • package: cryptsetup-2.3.6_1

Expected behavior

When booting cryptsetup should use a keyfile starting at a specified offset of an USB stick.

Actual behavior

On boot cryptsetup fails complaining about option keyfile-offset (see picture). It seems as though the option gets preceded with only one dash. Position of the option in the option string in /etc/crypttab does not matter so it is specific to this option.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  • Encrypt partition using a keyfile
  • Use USB stick containing the key at an offset
  • Reboot
home           UUID=XXX /dev/disk/by-id/usb-USB_Flash_Disk_YYY-0:0 luks,keyfile-offset=512,keyfile-size=512,tries=3

Probably never worked, looks like a typo:

else if ( par == "keyfile-offset" ) luksopts=luksopts "-keyfile-offset=" val " ";