
[help] Error code: STATUS_BREAKPOINT

tiagobernardes opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi all,

I have a old version of mosaico and recentelly I got a browser problem when call a jquery request to server.
When the request takes the html, the browser crash and returning the error: STATUS_BREAKPOINT

Does it have to do with the jquery version (v1.11.3)?

This is my mosaico code:

                 var post = $.post(postUrl, {
                    action: 'email',
                    rcpt: email,
                    //subject: "[test] " + md.key + " - " + md.name,
                    subject: "Test email",
                    html: viewModel.exportHTML()
                }, null, 'html');
                post.fail(function () {
                    console.log("fail", arguments);
                    viewModel.notifier.error(viewModel.t('Unexpected error talking to server: contact us!'));
                post.success(function () {
                    console.log("success", arguments);
                    viewModel.notifier.success(viewModel.t("Test email sent..."));
                post.always(function () {