
Errors when building with grunt on ubuntu

bradmac opened this issue · 6 comments

Just a heads up, this did build for a colleague on windows, but i ran into a long series of problems when building with a clean install of node using apt-get on ubuntu wily. Note that the recommended ppa is not currently available for wily, so i first used the default distro.

** So quite possibly not an issue with the mosaico script. **

Running "combineKOTemplates:main" (combineKOTemplates) task
Running "browserify:debug" (browserify) task
Warning: watch ENOSPC Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.

/mosaico$ grunt
Loading "phantom-thumbnailer-editor.js" tasks...ERROR

TypeError: undefined is not a function

And quite a few others.

bago commented

Please report your node version, npm version, and the output you get from "npm install"/"npm update" (if npm install fails then you can't run grunt..). I know people using ubuntu are building mosaico with no issues.

Travis Builds are on linux, too, you can see sample outputs for their builds here:

Unfortunately i've applied a whole series of hacks i found on stackoverflow of people having the same issues. So it would take a bit of work to undo them and get back to the original state.

I'll put more time into debugging and reporting the issue if we end up proceeding with it.

bago commented

If you have some detailed info (error condition, error thrown, hacks applied) we can add to the readme to warn ubuntu users write them here.

This is one:
Fatal error: watch ENOSPC

Which was corrected by running this command:
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

More details here:

But will take a bit of effort to reproduce other issues, which i cant do right now

bago commented

I wrote a reference to this issue in the main Readme. Anyone with the same issue please comment here with more details about how you fixed it.

This issue was handled?