Odd temperature spikes from room sensors, doesn't match Ecobee/Beestat
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm noticing single measurement "spikes" for the temperature returned by this plugin:
The spikes are not present in Beestat for the same sensors over the same time period:
Also, the "spike" values seem to be the more correct ones: both Beestat and the Ecobee app show that my Office sensor is ~81 degrees, whereas the non-spike value from this plugin is only showing that value during the spikes. The lower "smooth" value is ~78 degrees, but this is wrong, at least comparing against the Ecobee app/beestat.
It's very strange that the spikes are correlated between all the sensors, the rooms are very far apart and the HVAC did not turn on during the spikes. Also note that the thermostat does not show these spikes.
OK, I think I figured out why this is happening, but I don't have a good fix. The temperature reported in the Ecobee app does indeed appear to be a humidity corrected "feels like" temperature, which is what the thermostat displays for sensors when eco+ "adjust temperature for humidity" setting is turned on. With that setting turned off, the spikes go away in the graph (I turned off the setting at around 2:15pm):
It seems like that the temperature retrieved from the Ecobee API is either the "feels like" temperature or the literal temperature measured off the sensor, with no indication of which is which. Perhaps there is some way in the API to see which temperature is being returned and ignore the temperatures computed using a heat index?
Hm.. Interesting observation. I honestly have no clue why that may be happening. I'm also not aware of another way to check what temperature the API reports. But feel free to investigate it yourself and I'll be happy to merge a PR with the improvement.