
typescript-generator-core: How can I, given a Type, get its TypeScript name?

crummy opened this issue · 2 comments

I use typescript-generator to generate types for all our shared backend/frontend classes (and I love it - thank you!)

I'm building an TypeScript API generator for our backend but can't figure out how to get the name of a class given a type. For example:

interface Sample {
  void foo(int i);

for (Method m in Sample.class.getMethods()) {
  for (Type javaType : primitives.getGenericParameterTypes()) {
    String typeScriptType = ??? // should return "Number"

I tried this, but it generates entire interfaces:

new TypeScriptGenerator(settings).generateTypeScript(Input.from(type));

Although it's a bit late, I hope my code can help you.

val settings = new Settings();
val tsType = new TypeScriptGenerator(settings)
                  .processTypeInTemporaryContext(Long.class, null, settings)


val settings = new Settings();
val tsType = new TypeScriptGenerator(settings)

Thanks, that's just what I was looking for!