<p> paragraphs break when compressing, closing tag missing
posido opened this issue · 7 comments
What is this bug about (expected vs actual behaviour)?
closing tag of a paragraph should still exist in HTML output after compressing:
closing tag is removed after compression
How can I reproduce it?
use voku\helper\HtmlMin;
$html = "
This is a simple test to show compressing paragraphs does not work.
#compressing html
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();
echo $htmlMin->minify($html);
<p> This is a simple test to show compressing paragraphs does not work. #compressing html
Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?
not sure
Any additional information?
It also affects https://github.com/voku/html-compress-twig
It's optional in HTML5. Do you see any problems in the browser?
Unfortunately, yes. With compression and removed
my image gallery JavaScript layout switch works but shows the images completely strange. With a closing it is as expected.Do you have an example (html code or a link) for me, maybe we can spot the error.
Actually, not so easy. I use several NPM JS components relevant for switching the view mode of the gallery. The responsible JS code looks good:
jQuery(".grid-system > a").on("click", function(event){
var selector = jQuery(this).parent().parent().next().find('div.item');
var classStr = jQuery(selector).attr('class'),
lastClass = classStr.substr( classStr.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
// Remove last class
// Put back .item class + the clicked elements class with the added prefix "group-item-".
.addClass('item group-item-' + jQuery(this).attr('class') );
if(jQuery(this).hasClass("current")!== true)
jQuery('.grid-system > a').removeClass("current");
That's the whole JS code which switches the styles on click.
Ok, I can't see anything with this code, but you can disable the feature via:
$htmlMin->doRemoveOmittedHtmlTags(false); // remove ommitted html tags e.g. <p>lall</p> => <p>lall
Does this workaround help you, should I close the issue?
Hi, Yes that should help. Thanks. Just need to find out how to provide that option to voku/html-compress-twig within services.yaml (Symfony):
- { name: HtmlMin }
$forceCompression: false
- { name: twig.extension }
You may close this issue. Found a solution.