Volcano Sample 10: Cube Maps and Image Arrays

This sample renders a cube map and an image array.

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  1. Goals
  2. Where to Get a Cubemap on the Internet
    1. HDR Tone Mapping
    2. Definition of Cube Map
    3. What the Vertex Shader Does
    4. Spherical Panorama to Skybox
      1. Definition of Skybox
    5. Implementing a Skybox
  3. Image Array
  4. The End


This sample is not automatically built.

Build it by typing:
vendor/subgn/ninja -C out/Debug 10cubemap

Run it by typing:

Vulkan Validation layers are enabled by setting the VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS environment variable.


By the end of this sample, hopefully you feel like you know how to:

  1. Pick a photo from the internet to use
  2. Tell the difference between a spherical panorama, cubemap, and skybox
  3. Convert between them
  4. Create an app that renders a skybox using a cubemap

Where to Get a Cubemap on the Internet

A cube map is a panoramic photo that has been exported as the six faces of a cube. The cube map in this sample is a CC0 image from hdrihaven.com. Consider donating to hdrihaven.com if you like this sample.

HDR Tone Mapping

Files from that site are .hdr files (RGBE format). To convert it to a .jpg, try LuminanceHDR.

Converting from .hdr to a screen-viewable format is known as "tone mapping." Take some time to play around with a panorama in LuminanceHDR and see how a single .hdr file can be rendered in various ways on-screen. This is because display panels don't produce light as powerfully as the sun or have the same effect on human eyes.

A panoramic photo like this can be rendered to a cube map.

Definition of Cube Map

A cube map is 6 textures in a convenient format for GPUs. The result of tone mapping is still a spherical panorama. A spherical panorama is a sphere of texels where the viewer is placed at the center. Since the GPU doesn't handle spheres natively, your app can either:

  1. Generate enough polygons to make an approximate sphere.
  2. Convert the spherical panorama into something else.

It turns out you can get "enough polygons" by just drawing the 6 faces of a cube:

A 1x1x1 cube

The GPU will accept a single vector (the orange arrow above) and pick from 6 different textures automatically, as if they were arranged as a cube.

The GPU returns the sample at the location given by the point where the orrange arrow hits the cube, represented by the orange square. Call texture() to access your cube map:

// Fragment shader
#version 450

// Specify outputs. location = 0 references the index in
// VkSubpassDescription.pcolorAttachments[].
layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;

// Specify inputs.
layout(location = 0) in vec3 cameraDirection;

// Specify bound textures. "samplerCube" is a cube map - compare to a
// "sampler2D" which is a normal 2D texture.
layout(binding = 1) uniform samplerCube sampler;

void main() {
  outColor = texture(sampler, cameraDirection);

An easy way to see the difference between a cube map and a sampler2D is:

  1. Bind a 2D image to a sampler2D. Sample it with a vec2 uv in your fragment shader:

    outColor = texture(theSampler2D, uv)

  2. Bind six 2D images to a samplerCube. Sample it with a vec3 cameraDirection in your fragment shader:

    outColor = texture(theSamplerCube, cameraDirection);

What the Vertex Shader Does

The vertex shader calculates the vec3 cameraDirection (orange arrow above) and sends it to the fragment shader. cameraDirection is computed as the cube's vertices. (Remember that the vertex shader output is interpolated, so each fragment shader invocation will get a value somewhere in between the vertices of the cube.)

// Vertex shader
#version 450

// Specify outputs.
out gl_PerVertex {
  vec4 gl_Position;
layout(location = 0) out vec3 cameraDirection;

// Specify inputs that are constant ("uniform") for all vertices.
layout(binding = 0) uniform UniformBufferObject {
  mat4 proj;
  mat4 model;

// Specify inputs that very per vertex.
layout(location = 0) in vec3 inPosition;

void main() {
  gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.model * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);
  // cameraDirection is the un-projected cube vertex. (Why is this not
  // projected using ubo.proj * ubo.model? Try it and see.)
  cameraDirection = inPosition;

Each of cameraDirection.xyz should be in the range (0, 1). It turns out the GPU normalizes the vector automatically so the vertex shader doesn't need to.

Spherical Panorama to Skybox

Converting a spherical panorama to a cube map involves some math but sooner or later in 3D programming, this kind of math comes along:

layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;

layout(location = 0) in vec4 fragColor;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 fragTexCoord;

layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D texSampler;

// Constant definitions:

const float invPi = 1./3.141592653589;

// Size of one cubic face in phi units (with phi from 0 to 1, not 0 to pi).
const float facePhi = 1./2.;

// Fraction of the whole theta that is rendered as the top face.
// Intuitively, you would think 45 degrees for the top, 90 for the sides, and
// 45 for the bottom, but that is projecting along the phi = 0 line. The corner
// of the top face is at Theta = 35 degrees Phi = 45 degrees (or 135, 225, ...)
const float faceTheta = 35./180.;

void main() {
  vec2 polar;
  polar.y = dot(fragTexCoord, fragTexCoord);
  polar.x = abs(polar.y) < 1e-5 ? 0 /*atan(y, x) struggles with small inputs*/
      : facePhi * invPi * atan(fragTexCoord.y, fragTexCoord.x);

  vec2 uv = vec2(polar.x, faceTheta * sqrt(polar.y));

  bool bottom = false;  // Change this for the bottom face instead of the top.
  if (bottom) {
    uv.y = 1. - uv.y;
  outColor = texture(texSampler, uv);

The actual 1001sphere2cube.frag does more than just render the top and bottom faces, but the above GLSL code works and shows a roadmap of what 1001sphere2cube.frag is doing.

Definition of Skybox

(Mild spoiler alert) What's the difference between a cube map and a skybox?

A cube map is just 6 textures provided to the renderer for any operation that maps a vec3 to a texel.

A skybox takes a cube map and renders a giant box around everything on the screen. Every skybox must use a cube map but a cube map has other uses besides skyboxes. For example, 10cubemap.frag uses the same cube map to render a "reflective metal" effect as well as for the skybox.

Truman Show Skybox

A skybox is a large cube drawn around everything else you see. In the movie "The Truman Show," the main character crashes into the skybox with a boat.

Everything you see is the "scene" to a 3D renderer. The skybox must be rendered "bigger than everything else" or something will crash into it and your app will look like The Truman Show.

In BUILD.gn the equirectangular projection umhlanga-1k.jpg is converted into a cube map. The ":cubemap0.ktx" target calls sphere2cube.py to run the code in 1001sphere2cube.cpp.

Implementing a Skybox

BUILD.gn writes the files out/Debug/gen/10cubemap/cubemap0.ktx through out/Debug/gen/10cubemap/cubemap5.ktx:

action("cubemap0.ktx") {
  deps = [ ":1001sphere2cube" ]
  script = "sphere2cube.py"
  args = [
    rebase_path("umhlanga-1k.jpg", root_build_dir),
    rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/$target_name", root_build_dir),
  outputs = [
    "$target_gen_dir/cubemap0.ktx",  // Left face
    "$target_gen_dir/cubemap1.ktx",  // Front face
    "$target_gen_dir/cubemap2.ktx",  // Right face
    "$target_gen_dir/cubemap3.ktx",  // Back face 
    "$target_gen_dir/cubemap4.ktx",  // Top face
    "$target_gen_dir/cubemap5.ktx",  // Bottom face

Then this sample loads the textures and renders them at the maximum possible Z-value by substituting W for Z in the vertex shader:

Image Array

The End

Hopefully at this point you feel comfortable with cube maps and image arrays.


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