
teachopencadd.utils error not found

arya-blip opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm running T007 in colab.

This is what I get when I run this in a cell

!mamba env update -n base -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/volkamerlab/TeachOpenCADD/master/devtools/other-conda-envs/users_env.yml

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/volkamerlab/TeachOpenCADD/master/devtools/other-conda-envs/users_env.yml
Elapsed: 00:00.080724

Hi @arya-blip,

The URL does not exist anymore, you might be looking for:

Where did you find this deprecated URL? We need to make an update it seems, apologies.

Kind regards,

Thanks for the reply @dominiquesydow. I am currently followig the codes from the talktorials and executing them in Google colab. Also, I search the issues for the same queries and followed some of the instructions. Thank you for the clarifications.