Cannot use namespace 'Quill' as a type
amineChenn opened this issue · 4 comments
amineChenn commented
I want to use 'quill table ui' with 'Quill v2.0.0-dev.3' (with @types/quill also) in Angular and I faced this issue :
ERROR in ../../node_modules/quill-table-ui/dist/index.d.ts:32:12 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'Quill' as a type.
32 quill: Quill;
../../node_modules/quill-table-ui/dist/index.d.ts:39:24 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'Quill' as a type.
39 constructor(quill: Quill, options: any);
Is it a known issue ?
Thank you.
yurasmetanka commented
Faced the same issue, any workaround?
amineChenn commented
Hello, yes, I took the ts and scss from the dependancy and add it directly in my code and import Quill like this :
import Quill from 'quill'
Hope it will help you.
yurasmetanka commented
Yep, it helped, thanks a lot.
suhailkc commented
I have the same issue in ngx-quill. any workaround??