
Discord Rich Presence server for code editor extensions

Primary LanguageC++

This is a server for use with separately developed, client side extensions, within code editors.

Client extensions send out their active buffers file paths to the Presence server, which then, using libgit2, searches for the git repository associated with the path.

Presence then tracks the commits inside git and updates Discord's Rich Presence with something like "Working on Presence, Ahead by 3 commits"

  • Commits are remembered, during the session, to enable support for "Pushed 3 of 6" status
  • Presence server implants hooks, upon discovering .git. Hooks cleaned up after the Server stops monitoring the repository.

Supports Windows, MacOS, Linux


Arg Description
-i, --id Custom Discord app ID
-v, --verbose Print info to STDOUT
-r, --replace Send shutdown notice to an existing server
-p, --port Port for the rest server
--language Overwrite displayed language
-I, --default-icons Fallback to default lang icons. If this is used, custom --id is ignored
-U, --auto-update Updates session every 15 sec, without waiting for events, dispatched from .git hooks
--dont-await-repo By default, the server will wait for first client to send a valid path, before updating Discord Presence
--prevent-shutdown Prevent the server from shutting down, when no more client sessions remaining
-h, --help

Every request Expects:

  • editor: string
  • id: int
  • params: {}, where params are:
Route Params
set_path path: string
git_change name: string

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