Could not read from file .yarn/__virtual__
ctforcp opened this issue · 4 comments
I used yarn to install dependencies, and then when running yarn dev, the following error occurred.
the installation method from the official Vue 3 documentation.
X [ERROR] Could not read from file: E:/manka/.yarn/__virtual__/vue-virtual-3f34f26dc5/5/C:/Users/ka/AppData/Local/Yarn/Berry/cache/
That doesn’t appear to involve Volta at all, actually. Can you provide a bit more detail as to why you think it’s being affected by Volta in some way? Thanks!
same problem for me : steps to reproduce :
mkdir volta_xp
cd volta_xp
volta install node
volta install yarn
yarn create vite -> create vue js project volta_xp
cd volta_xp
yarn dev
try to create same project with npm work
it's a Vite issue :
last commands on d drive fail , same commands on c drive works