
build process - bogus(?) complaint about nodejs version

xipmix opened this issue · 2 comments

$ git log -3 --oneline
79bba2f Merge pull request #693 from volumio/feature/oauthHandler
693ee9a Oauth Handler
8575d31 Hide messages when plugin is installed

$ bash -vx ./deploy.sh 
set -e # exit with nonzero exit code if anything fails
+ set -e

# clear and re-create the dist directory
rm -rf dist || exit 0;
+ rm -rf dist
mkdir dist;
+ mkdir dist

# Build Volumio UI
gulp build --theme="volumio" --env="production"
+ gulp build --theme=volumio --env=production
WARNING! Unsupported nodejs version: 6.17.1 found, required: 6.*

Is having a version other than 6.1.0 (what travis uses) really an issue?

No, it's not an issue. Just a warning mainly to remind us to work with NODE 6.X

I'm just at a loss to understand why compareVersions() is unhappy.