
Spotify plugin don't show information on Display

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have a volumio with a I2C display which shows the title and artist information. Unfortunately after switching from web radio to Spotify as music source the display still shows the last web radio information.
For the display I use lcdproc, LCDd and mpdlcd.

Because the playback of a web radio displays all the necessary information and the playback via the Spotify plugin does not, my guess is that the problem lies in the plugin. Does anyone maybe have an idea or suggestion what I can try?

Sorry, but the community would be a better place to ask.

In any case, your solution of mpdlcd will never achieve what you want since it just enquires mpd, not volumio to fetch the state. You should hook whatever you are using to volumio states, rather than mpd.
You can use rest or socket.io APIs to do so https://developers.volumio.com/api/volumio-api-overview