
Spotify Plugin Stops playing after a few seconds

Opened this issue · 7 comments

When usIng the Spotify app I get an issue where it stops playing after a few seconds fairly often, I press play and it stops again over and over. Sometimes was able to get it to start and play but keep running into this issue.

Seems like the issue could be steamed from another song being in the queue from another device. My roommate uses it as well.

Sometimes restarting the device gets it rolling sometimes not. It seems like its only an issue when using spotify app as I can tell. Sometimes running a song in a different app and running in Spotify corrects it as well.

I have the same issue. Very regularly (almost daily) it gets to a point where it just plays 1-2 seconds and stops. A reboot generally helps, but sometimes I just have to wait a while.

I feel like this happens when I go between spotify connect to control music vs using the app/UI, but I have not found a way to clearly reproduce the issue and it doesn't always happen, so I can't be sure.

Here's what the log says:
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[1524]: [Vollibrespot] : Event: Play { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 222616682147082412086799717552430314657, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 1982 }
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky kernel: bcm2835-i2s 3f203000.i2s: I2S SYNC error!
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] play
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Time in a Bottle
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[1524]: [Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Sink acquired
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: info: Acquiring new spotify session
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioStop
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop
Mar 18 10:09:12 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Spotify Received stop
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[1524]: [Vollibrespot] : Pause
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[1524]: [Vollibrespot] : Event: Pause { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 222616682147082412086799717552430314657, audio_type: Track }, position_ms: 2665 }
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Pause
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] pause
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: Checking Spotify Web API
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Vollibrespot Active
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: [1679134153469] ControllerSpotify::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Time in a Bottle
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: Is Connect Playback
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: New connect session, clearing queue
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: Clearing Spotify queue
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
Mar 18 10:09:13 vicky volumio[565]: info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[1524]: [Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[1524]: [Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackStopped { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 222616682147082412086799717552430314657, audio_type: Track } }
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Sink released
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: [1679134154058] ControllerSpotify::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: [SpotifyConnect] Device palyback is inactive
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: Is Connect Playback
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: New connect session, clearing queue
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: Clearing Spotify queue
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: [1679134154728] ControllerSpotify::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:14 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
Mar 18 10:09:15 vicky volumio[565]: info: [1679134155388] ControllerSpotify::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:15 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
Mar 18 10:09:15 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
Mar 18 10:09:15 vicky volumio[565]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState

Same here. Really annoying!
And the same can't seem to reproduce the problem.

Using volumio on a raspberry pi 3b+ with a schiit modi 3 and have it cabled directly to my router.

Update on my story if I use the mobile volumio app. And search for a Artis en just play from there it play. Then whenever I skip a song it flips out. I stops playing after one second than two seconds later it's starts playing again but doesn't show songs progress and can't skip or pauze.

If i go to the Spotify mobile app it's even worse can't play songs the just all play for maybe one second and stop.

Next thing I found is when I tried to play a podcast from the Spotify app. Cause I could find the channel in the volumio app.
It's trying to play the podcast. And then refers back to the playlist I was playing and starts playing a different song from that playlist....

Next thing I found is when I tried to play a podcast from the Spotify app. Cause I could find the channel in the volumio app.
It's trying to play the podcast. And then refers back to the playlist I was playing and starts playing a different sons from that playlist.

And another one. As I said I wanted to listen to a podcast. So I thought I'll listen on my phone instead. Well it's not letting me. When I tried to change source's on my phone in the Spotify App it switches back to the volumio source...

yesrod commented

I am also experiencing this issue (frequent pauses after hitting play).

I've noticed that the following actions tend to trigger this issue:

  • Skipping songs
  • Changing to a different playlist
  • Disconnecting from Spotify Connect (closing the Spotify app, leaving the house, or even just walking upstairs) and reconnecting

The only way I've found to fix the issue is rebooting Volumio, which takes a few minutes each time.

I tried downloading and manually installing the latest version of the Spotify plugin from source, in the hopes that some of the newer changes would fix the issue, but the issue persists with the newest version.

I have the same issue. The repro is: play a playlist for a while, pause for more than an hour, hit play to resume and it only play a few seconds then stops. Tried changing playlist or songs from Spotify, still does it. I was able to get past it by switching sources, such as local media or web radio, then back to Spotify.