
Spotify Connect: Volume changed in spotify app is reset to volume of volumio when track changes

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Spotify Connect: Volume changed in spotify app is reset to volume of volumio when track changes

When updating the volume in the Spotify app it does not update the volume in volumio. Probably part of the problem.

This should solve it: #277

Correct, you will find the exact probleme here: devgianlu/go-librespot@c19586d
Now, since Volumio didn't merged my pull request yet, you will find a step by step guide how to manually update your spotify:

  1. (Skip this if you already enabled SSH) Go to http://your-volumio.whatsoever/dev and enable SSH
  2. Connect to your volumio over SSH with ssh volumio@your-volumio.whatsoever, Password is volumio
  3. Move into /data/plugins/music_service/spop/ with cd /data/plugins/music_service/spop/
  4. Open install.sh with nano install.sh
  5. Press CTRL + W and type VERSION and press enter
  6. Change 0.0.9 to 0.0.10
  7. Save the file with CTRL + X + Y + Enter
  8. Uninstall spotify with sudo bash uninstall.sh
  9. Install Spotify again with sudo bash install.sh
  10. Go into the plugin-section on your webinterface or just do a full-restart on your volumio
  11. Stop Spotify
  12. Start Spotify again
  13. Done
    The Volume thing will be fixed but there is another wierd bug which spams your spotify client with network connection errors but you can ignore it, it won't affect your listening experience

This is now solved.