
spotify for amd64

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Could you please add to spotify plugin's package.json (after)

	"architectures": [

the following 2 lines



That alone won't be sufficient. As the repo also needs to include a amd64 version of spop.

This needs to be recompiled - would you be able to do this? The other option is to run in it i386 compatibility mode..

Thanks, I've done it myself and it seems to work, but I was thinking if someone else wants to use it.
I've compiled spop and for me everything is fine.
Great job! Thanks again!

Well done bogdan!

Would you mind sending the archive and sources of which you compiled spop?
@ashthespy how can we run it in i386 compatibility mode? Can you help on that?

Do you think explaining the steps that i followed would help? I can put the archives on git ! ( next week)

@bogdanvaduva yes, thanks!

@ashthespy how can we run it in i386 compatibility mode? Can you help on that?


dpkg --add-architecture i386 
apt install <package>:i386
# So you'd need all dependencies to be installed like so
apt-get install -y libao-dev:i386 <rest of spop deps>

@volumio here are the steps that I followed in order to make spotify work on a x86_64 distribution:
Step 1.
Downloaded latest Volumio from

PC (X86/X64)
Volumio Audiophile Music Player for PC (X86/X64)
VERSION: 3.224

RELEASE DATE: 07-02-2022

Step 2.

I've activated SSH:


Step 3.

Connected to Volumio (user volumio, password volumio)

Step 4.

git clone https://github.com/volumio/volumio-plugins-sources.git (latest)

Step 5

cd volumio-plugins-sources/spotify

Step 6

nano package.json

Step 7

Changed package.json as follows:

"volumio_info": {
"prettyName": "Spotify",
"icon": "fa-spotify",
"plugin_type": "music_service",
"os": [
"details": "Spotify plugin for Volumio2",
"changelog": "",
"architectures": [


"volumio_info": {
"prettyName": "Spotify",
"icon": "fa-spotify",
"plugin_type": "music_service",
"os": [
"details": "Spotify plugin for Volumio2",
"changelog": "",
"architectures": [


Step 8

Ctrl-O (Save)
Ctrl-X (Exit from nano)

Step 9

cd /home/volumio

Download spop using

git clone git://github.com/Schnouki/spop.git

Step 10

Run sudo apt-get install cmake
Password: volumio

Step 11

Add the archive's GPG key:

wget -q -O - https://apt.mopidy.com/mopidy.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list, or if you have the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, add it to a file called mopidy.list in that directory:

sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list https://apt.mopidy.com/stretch.list

Note: The new source has to be the strech one

Install packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libspotify12 libspotify-dev

Step 12

Cd spop

mkdir -p ~/.config/spop
cp spop/spopd.conf.sample ~/.config/spop/spopd.conf
nano ~/.config/spop/spopd.conf

run sudo ./build_and_run -fv
You might get an error saying spopd.conf missing from /root/.config/spop
Copy the one from above to /root/.config/spop. You might have to copy it to /etc/spopd.conf

Step 13

Cd /home/volumio/volumio-plugins-sources/spotify

Change install.sh

by commenting the following lines (the following lines would work if there will be a package there)

#wget http://repo.volumio.org/Packages/Spop/spop-${DPKG_ARCH}.tar.gz
#sudo tar xvf /tmp/spop-${DPKG_ARCH}.tar.gz -C /
#rm /tmp/spop-${DPKG_ARCH}.tar.gz

#sudo chmod 777 /etc/spopd.conf
#echo "Linking libsox if required"
#[ ! -e /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libsox.so.2 ] && ln -s /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libsox.so.3 /usr/local/lib/libsox.so.2

Step 14

run volumio plugin install

Here is the link to deb package


It has to be seen as an example and not as a working / release package

@bogdanvaduva well done! the key was the part we were missing...

@balbuze @ashthespy is there someone willing to give an helping hand and compile it for x64?