
Website for NicoleSippolaMassage.com

Primary LanguageRuby

Website for NicoleSippolaMassage.com

Authored by Shane Smith


  1. Add nisi.dev www.nisi.dev to your /etc/hosts file
  2. From the repository root: cp public/wp-config.dist.php public/wp-config.php
  3. cp public/.htaccess.dist public/.htaccess
  4. cd build
  5. npm install - This may take a few minutes to process... go grab a coffee
  6. bower install
  7. gulp - This will setup a watch task for the scripts and styles. You can CTRL-C out of this after it processes if you're not making changes. Otherwise open a new tab for the rest of the commands.
  8. cd ../vagrant
  9. vagrant up - This may take a few minutes to process... drink some of that coffee you grabbed earlier
  10. vagrant ssh
  11. Following commands are from the vagrant ssh root: cd /var/www
  12. composer install
  13. Visit nisi.dev in your browser