
Why does not proceed?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have recently begun to try this project which is very good.

I runned the sample code written in README.md, but cannot proceed.
It not come back from this.peripheral.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics in Drone.prototype.setup method on lib/drone.js.
Above this method, I added the code 'console.log(this);', and got data.

{ _noble:
{ state: 'poweredOn',
_bindings: [Object],
_peripherals: [Object],
_services: [Object],
_characteristics: [Object],
_descriptors: [Object],
_events: [Object],
_discoveredPeripheralUUids: [Object],
_allowDuplicates: undefined },
uuid: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
address: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',
{ localName: 'RS_xxxx',
txPowerLevel: undefined,
manufacturerData: ,
serviceData: [],
serviceUuids: [] },
rssi: -30,
services: null,
state: 'connected',
_events: {} },

So, I think that I could connect to rolling-spider, but terminal console don't come back from discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics method.
"services: null" has filed a cause?
I tryed to replace 'discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics' method to 'discoverServices' , it has been able to get the service.

Found device with local name: RS_xxxx
connected to peripheral: xxxxxxxxxxx
discovered the following services:
0 uuid: 1800
1 uuid: 1801

I tryed the version 0.1.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.9.


Apparently, it seems "this.getCharacteristic('fa0b').write" method is causing the problem.

After upgraded the OS from 10.9 to 10.10, it has moved without problems.