
Error parsing segments in get-params

Closed this issue · 4 comments

urlPathname: /it/404;
pagePath: /_not-found/page;

 "dependencies": {
    "@nimpl/getters": "^1.4.0",
    "eslint": "^8.45.0",
    "eslint-config-next": "^14.2.3",
    "next": "^14.2.3",
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0",

I dont really know what caused this error. Calling useParams inside the not-found page with such /app structure is breaking tho.

Here instead is the code

import LocaleLink from "@/components/Locale/Link";

export default async function NotFound() {
  return (
    <div className="fixed inset-0 w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-svh">
      <h1 className="typog-30-medium lg:typog-56-medium">404!</h1>
      <LocaleLink href="/">Homepage</LocaleLink>


import i18n from "@/lib/i18n";
import Link from "next/link";
import { getParams } from "@nimpl/getters/get-params";

export default function LocaleLink({ children, href, ...props }) {
  const { lang } = getParams();

  return (
    <Link {...props} href={i18n.path(href, lang)}>

I also underline how the getter is correctly returning params, it still throws the error but the function result is correct

Hello! Thank you for writing about the problem!

Generally from what I see - the error is correct. getParams gets dynamic parameters from the current path. The /not-found.tsx page has no such parameters.

Unfortunately, I can't figure out that for the error page the first part is locale (and for the /it/some-deleted-page it is, but for /banking/some-deleted-page it's not).

What I can do:

  1. I can add an option to disable errors and in such situations the function will just return null (getParams({ ignoreDifference: true }));
  2. I can add support for custom paths (getParams({ pagePaths: ['/[locale]/[[…subpaths]]'] }))

Will this help solve your problem or do you see the solution differently?

Hello and thanks for the quick reply. I actually worked my way around it wrapping the getter into a trycatch, and ignore the error since it actually returned the correct value.

The first resolution you proposed would fit perfectly

Done! You can try it in v1.4.1.

Also implemented the second resolution. Here, in tests, is an example of how you can use it - tests/base/app/not-found.tsx

const params = getParams({
  ignoreDifferenceError: true,
  pagePaths: ["/specific/[locale]/[...subpaths]/page", "/[locale]/base/[...subpaths]/page"],
// "/specific/de/unknown-page" -> { locale: "de", subpaths: ["unknown-page"] }
// "/it/base/unknown-page" -> { locale: "it", subpaths: ["unknown-page"] }
// "/it/invalid/unknown-page" -> null

Thanks again for sharing a problem!

Thank you for the quick fix!