
index insanity after swipe-left/right by touch

Confetti7 opened this issue · 4 comments


index insanity after swipe-left/right by touch

callback get index is wrong

Could you provide a code example replicating your problem?

<ReactSwipe ref={el => (this.reactSwipeEl = el)} className={styles.carousel} swipeOptions={{ continuous: true, auto: 3000, stopPropagation: true }} callback={(index, elem) => {}}>
    {this.props.images.map((item, index) => (
            className={'lazyImg-banner' + index}
            onClick={() => {
<div role="button" onClick={() => {this.reactSwipeEl.prev()}}>prev</div>
<div role="button" onClick={() => {this.reactSwipeEl.next()}}>next</div>

Click a few more times, especially to the last, the index is not accurate @Cyberlane

So I made a minor tweak to the demo, attempting to replicate the issue you have but what I tried seems to work just fine:

const images = [

const Page = () => {
  let reactSwipeEl;

  return (
    <div className="center">
      <h2>Open this page from a mobile device (real or emulated).</h2>
        You can pass{' '}
        <a href="https://github.com/voronianski/swipe-js-iso#config-options">
          Swipe.js options
        </a>{' '}
        as query params.

      <ReactSwipe ref={el => (reactSwipeEl = el)} swipeOptions={{ continuous: true, auto: 3000, stopPropagation: true }} callback={(index, elem) => {}}>
        {images.map((item, index) => (
          <div key={index}>
            {item} => {index}
    <div role="button" onClick={() => {reactSwipeEl.prev()}}>prev</div>
    <div role="button" onClick={() => {reactSwipeEl.next()}}>next</div>

The only immediate difference I see is that you are rendering the images based on passed in props, and you have bound the element instance.

Is there something else I am perhaps missing?
Does the code I shared above present the same problem to you?

Closing issue due to inactivity. Happy to re-open it if somebody is able to contribute further towards it.