[Feature] Turn the code into a web asset
Opened this issue · 2 comments
JorgeMiguelGomes commented
- To run the script on VOSTPT's server instead of relying on GitHub actions, as it happens now.
- To use social media networks API to send the new image file with a standard text including the hashtag "#ATerraTreme" (example tweet)
- To save the earthquake data in a SQL (Alchemy, SQL Lite, or SQL) database
- Create a data visualisation page dashboard with Plotly Dash for the number of earthquakes per week and per month
- Test thoroughly before deploying, meaning let's wait for a real earthquake to happen
- Use VOSTia on Twitter and Mastodon for tests, not the main account
- Create a VOSTia account on Bluesky for tests for the same reason
JorgeMiguelGomes commented
Assigned @MicaelMCarvalho to help with the social media networks integration
Assigned @JorgeMiguelGomes to create the social media account for VOSTia on BlueSky and to create the Plotly Visualization Dashboard
Assigned @pedrolucas7i for the features development.
MicaelMCarvalho commented