
Notification History

Opened this issue · 2 comments


The application receives at least one notification a day but also also receives a notification when there is an important announcement.
When we click on the notification, the message is gone and we might have not read everything.


Have a simple local notification history screen where we can read a list of all the notifications received so far captured by the device.

For this we will need to get the notification data and store it in Hive.

The question is: If we for some reason don't receive a notification, we will have a missing gap in the history. And also, we will not be able to see past notifications.

Do you think there should be an endpoint for this?

Or, as the title implies, it's only for the data received after the install of the app?

Actually, one thing I find odd (iOS) is that the notification has more detail than anything else you can find in the app's content. When you click on it you don't get a screen with the detail but the main menu.

I agree that having a full history of notifications on its menu item could help. Even if you only received one after you install the app.

Also meaning that "Notificações" would not be only a notification settings screen but also include actual and useful content.

In any case, great job. You have all the reasons to be proud of it. :)