
Add missing content to Remote Work section

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Remote Work is showing data from different solutions and showing data from the field description.
However, there are other fields that the detail of a remote work should look at, such as:

  • post_title
  • como_aceder
  • suporte_tecnico


Serve this issue to add the missing information to the Remote Work detail screen to show all information one after the other.

@OldMetalmind that information is available here: https://covid19estamoson.gov.pt/wp-json/vost/v1/remote_work

Do you need something else from the API?

@tomahock do you know what might come in the field formacao_em_portugues, is it also HTML?

@tomahock do you know what might come in the field formacao_em_portugues, is it also HTML?

@OldMetalmind it's an url but as far as I can see it's empty on all posts!
Screenshot 2020-04-07 at 15 40 05