
egklib library dependencies

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As of 8/24/2023, IntelliJ uses this command line:



Remove ktor dependencies in library:

-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stdout.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stderr.encoding=UTF-8 

So this gives as library dependencies (other than kotlin stdlibs):

  • com.michael-bull.kotlin-result (result)
  • pro.streem.pbandk/pbandk (protobuf)
  • io.github.microutils/kotlin-logging (logging)
  • org.slf4j/slf4j-api

a CLI program would also need to add a logging implementation like libs.logback.classic

// 9/9/2023
val coroutinesVersion = "1.6.4" // "1.7.3" see issue #362
val jupitorVersion = "5.10.0"
val kotlinVersion = "1.9.10"
val kotlinxCliVersion = "0.3.6"
val kotlinxDatetimeVersion = "0.4.1" // deprecated
val kotlinxSerializationCoreVersion = "1.6.0"
val kotestVersion = "5.7.2"
val ktorVersion = "2.3.4"
val logbackVersion = "1.4.11"
val microutilsLoggingVersion = "3.0.5"
val mockkVersion = "1.13.7"
val pbandkVersion = "0.14.2"
val resultVersion = "1.1.18"