
configuring Vouch Proxy to use an outgoing proxy for access to the internet and IdP

stagging18 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Team,
I am getting the below error after successful authentication.

{"level":"error","ts"1594280010.3651514,"msg":"/auth Error while retreiving user info after successful login at the OAuth provider: Post "https://dev-813551.okta.com...\": dial tcp: lookup dev-813551.okta.com on no such host"}

dev-813551.okta.com is not reachable from my vouch-proxy server. if i have to access this then i have to use an outgoing proxy.

Please let me know how to set outgoing proxy in vouch server so that it can make request to my okta dev account.

Any help will be appreciated.


@stagging18 this sounds like a firewall problem. That error indicates a dns lookup failure. You should check your dns settings and and firewall settings and confirm that you can resolve your okta domain from the same environment that VP is running in.

@stagging18 are you saying you're using SOCKS proxy or another outgoing proxy for all tcp/udp including DNS?

oh look, that's what your initial comment says precisely. Sorry, I missed that part :)

@stagging18 I think this should work...

export HTTP_PROXY="http://proxyIp:proxyPort"


Actually, I'm not sure that will work for the dns lookup

@stagging18 so glad to hear that!