job.getJobRequest() returns null signed url field
hoddr opened this issue · 2 comments
hoddr commented
> await api.getJobRequest('70529251-5658-4410-ad3a-cbc04fc4ea82')
JobRequest {
analytic: 'video-formatter',
{ video:
RemoteDataPath {
dataId: 'c89b7c0a-f646-47a3-b818-5e20a5c4e5c2',
signedUrl: null } },
parameters: {} }
Noting again that the upload job request will not have a signed url field in its JSON representation.
brimoor commented
Also not a bug. If you issue getJobRequest.toString()
, you'll see that it is constructing the job request JSON correctly.
brimoor commented
Based on our discussion, I will remove support for signed URLs for now.