Unity version compatibility
yosun opened this issue · 4 comments
Which version of unity has this been tested to work with?
Both video and audio SDK and Tutorial was checked against version 5.5 https://unity.voximplant.com/tutorials/video_call/
If you have any suggestions or issues feel free to ask them directly
Which subversion of 5.5? .0f3 or one of the patch versions?
We just re-tested it against 5.5.3f1 and 5.6.0f3, everything works fine! Since our SDK uses only general-purpose Unity API it should be stable on minor updates. If you have any procedures in mind or want to reference any best practices for Unity development - feel free to inform us directly, we want to improve our SDK and are open for suggestions!
Last update of SDK was re-tested against Unity 2017.3.1f1.