
Something wrong in puppet-confluence/manifests/init.pp

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Looking at the puppet-confluence/manifests/init.pp file, on line 14, something seems wrong, maybe a copy and paste operation in creating file changes went wrong.

Received the following error using this module with puppet 3.8.7:
Error: Syntax error at 'Pattern'; expected ')' at /vagrant/puppet/modules/confluence/manifests/init.pp:14


Specifically, the following line breaks this module for puppet 3.8.7.

Pattern[/^(?:(\d+).)?(?:(\d+).)?(*|\d+)(|[a-z])$/] $version = '5.7.1',

From commit: 70d9d91

same problem. puppet 3.8.7.

Same. Puppet version 3.8.5

This is Puppet 4 syntax (https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.4/lang_data_type.html)

metadata.json should is updated, but README.md still mentions that old Puppet is 'supported'.

Hey people. Sorry for the late reply. We don't support Puppet3 since January 2017. I will update the README.md.