
User 'confluence' isn't being created in /etc/passwd

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions

  • Puppet: 5.3.5
  • Ruby: 2.0.0p648
  • Distribution: Puppet Enterprise
  • Module version: 3.1.1

How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use)

I installed Confluence with this configuration (after a successful MySQL and JIRA installations):

  class { 'confluence':
    manage_user         => true,
    installdir          => '/opt/atlassian-confluence',
    javahome            => '/usr/java/default',

What are you seeing

For some reason, the module doesn't create user confluence in the /etc/passwd directory, which results in these failures:

Notice: /Stage[main]/Confluence::Install/Group[confluence]/ensure: created
Error: Could not set comment on user[confluence]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -c Confluence daemon account confluence' returned 6: usermod: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: /Stage[main]/Confluence::Install/User[confluence]/comment: change from 'confluence' to 'Confluence daemon account' failed: Could not set comment on user[confluence]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -c Confluence daemon account confluence' returned 6: usermod: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: Could not set shell on user[confluence]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -s /bin/true confluence' returned 6: usermod: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: /Stage[main]/Confluence::Install/User[confluence]/shell: change from '/bin/sh' to '/bin/true' failed: Could not set shell on user[confluence]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -s /bin/true confluence' returned 6: usermod: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: Could not set password on user[confluence]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -p * confluence' returned 6: usermod: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: /Stage[main]/Confluence::Install/User[confluence]/password: change from [old password hash redacted] to [new password hash redacted] failed: Could not set password on user[confluence]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -p * confluence' returned 6: usermod: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: Could not set password_min_age on user[confluence]: Execution of '/bin/chage -m 0 confluence' returned 1: chage: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: /Stage[main]/Confluence::Install/User[confluence]/password_min_age: change from 'absent' to 0 failed: Could not set password_min_age on user[confluence]: Execution of '/bin/chage -m 0 confluence' returned 1: chage: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: Could not set password_max_age on user[confluence]: Execution of '/bin/chage -M 99999 confluence' returned 1: chage: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd
Error: /Stage[main]/Confluence::Install/User[confluence]/password_max_age: change from 'absent' to 99999 failed: Could not set password_max_age on user[confluence]: Execution of '/bin/chage -M 99999 confluence' returned 1: chage: user 'confluence' does not exist in /etc/passwd

What behaviour did you expect instead

I expected no errors, and /etc/passwd to contain user confluence, and Confluence to install without a problem.

I'm using the similar module for JIRA, and user jira is being created without a problem.

Sorry, never mind. Turned out someone in a completely different part of our organization made an AD account called "confluence", that was stepping on the creation of a local "confluence" account.