Support for Puppet 4
Closed this issue · 10 comments
Can Confirm this module is not working with Puppet 4.2.1. Any idea when it will be? Happy to help in any way.
I'm also using Puppet 4.2.1 and it's working for me but I'm not using hiera but the traditional class configuration in my node.pp.
Hi Martin,
I'm trying to deploy to a RHEL 6 (latest updates) server. Would it be possible for you to share your Config ? Here is what I have:
class { 'confluence':
version => '5.8.7',
installdir => '/opt/atlassian/confluence',
homedir => '/opt/atlassian/confluence-home',
javahome => '/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64',
user => 'confluence',
group => 'confluence',
Okay, I'm deploying to Ubuntu 14.04 with the following more simple config:
class { 'confluence':
javahome => '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64',
tomcat_proxy => { scheme => 'https', proxyName => 'XXX', proxyPort => 443, },
It successfully downloads and creates the confluence installation and starts it.
I'll confirm support for puppet 4 in the spec/acceptance tests soon.
@luke-vidler what you have there looks good. I assume you have made sure /opt/atlassian parent directory has been created? If you are getting an error, please feel free to post it here and ill see if I can help.
i think a simple start would be to add support in puppet-rspec tests!
Hi Mark,
Was able to revisit this, works perfectly on RHEL 6.7 with Puppet Enterprise 2015.2 (4.2.1). Its a nice module, thanks :)
@mkrakowitzer time to close this?
@igalic Would be nice to add the modulesync stuff you guys been working on that I assume supports testing on puppet v4 and then close this? I just can not figure out how to use it :(
@mkrakowitzer wanna hop on IRC (freenode, #puppet-community), and we discuss it?
add confluence, then document it?