
duplicate resource or dependency cycle when attempting to set default options

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions

  • Puppet: rspec-puppet
  • Ruby: 2.5.1
  • Distribution: RHEL7 selected
  • Module version:

How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use)

Duplicate resource logrotate::conf

  class { '::logrotate':}
  logrotate::conf { '/etc/logrotate.conf':
    * => $default_settings,

Dependency cycle

  logrotate::conf { '/etc/logrotate.conf':
    * => $default_settings,
  -> class { '::logrotate':}

What are you seeing

The above code looks to be possible after looking at README.md. I haven't yet tried the code with puppet as both versions fail with rspec-puppet errors:

       Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Duplicate declaration: Logrotate::Conf[/etc/logrotate.conf] is already declared at (file: /home/geoff/github/r_profile/spec/fixtures/modules/logrotate/manifests/defaults.pp, line: 12); cannot redeclare (file: /home/geoff/github/r_profile/spec/fixtures/modules/r_profile/manifests/linux/logrotate.pp, line: 46) (file: /home/geoff/github/r_profile/spec/fixtures/modules/r_profile/manifests/linux/logrotate.pp, line: 46, column: 3) on node computer


     Failure/Error: it { should compile }
       dependency cycles found: (File[/etc/logrotate.conf] => Logrotate::Conf[/etc/logrotate.conf] => Class[Logrotate] => Class[Logrotate::Install] => Package[logrotate] => File[/etc/logrotate.conf])


What behaviour did you expect instead

Expect to be able to include the main class and set the Logrotate::Conf[/etc/logrotate.conf]

Output log


Any additional information you'd like to impart

The errors look to be caused by use of if ! defined() in /manifests/defaults.pp. Am currently looking at putting together a PR to remove this and instead use optionally defined hash of default settings on main class.

Ok looks like I just read the docs wrong:

  class { '::logrotate':
    ensure => 'latest',
    config => {
      dateext      => true,
      compress     => true,
      rotate       => 10,
      rotate_every => 'week',
      ifempty      => true,

works, as does

logrotate::conf { '/etc/logrotate.conf':
  rotate       => 10,
  rotate_every => 'week',
  ifempty      => true,
  dateext      => true,

on its own

  • Will see about a docs enhancement instead