
Logrotate rule ERB template should not take variables from the scope object

Closed this issue · 3 comments

imriz commented

It should use has_variable? and instance_variable_get methods.
The reason is that the scope object has variables from any scope, and this might add variable values from other logrotate::rule instances, depending on declaration/parsing order.

This is probably the same root cause for #22

imriz commented

To reproduce, add the following test to the rule_spec.rb spec file:

  context 'template should not inherit variables from other scopes' do
      let(:title) { 'foo' }
      let(:params) {
        {:path => '/var/log/foo.log',:ifempty => true}
      let(:facts) {
            :osfamily => 'RedHat',
            :operatingsystemmajrelease => 7
      it do
        should contain_file('/etc/logrotate.d/btmp').without_content(/ifempty/)

This is likely the root cause of issue #13

@natemccurdy , definitely. Have the same issue.

Any chance on #38 merged?