
Support for Wildlfy 11

jopaha opened this issue · 8 comments


are there any plans to update the module to support Wildfly 11?

Kind regards


Just checked the code and there are no restrictions in using version 11. We only check for a version pattern.
I see some changes in the release notes but I did not have the time to test it so let me know what does not work

We've been using this module with WF 11 (and EAP 7.1) without any issues on EL6/EL7 Linux in standalone mode. There would be a point in the future where some of the classes (ie wildfly::security::ldap_realm) would need updates for converting to Elytron, but for now the legacy mappings work great for us.

Just a matter of updating the tests and the docs then?

The only issue I had come across relates to changes to the init script on EL6 systems. The init script now looks for /etc/default/wildfly instead of /etc/default/wildfly.conf

There are two workarounds that i've used to handle this -

Using a custom conf_file for the wildfly::service::conf_file parameter
Include a symlink resource in the puppet profile calling the wildfly class:
file { '/etc/default/wildfly':
ensure => link,
target => '/etc/default/wildfly.conf',

Note: The workaround is only needed with WF11, EAP 7.1 still uses the .conf file

Thanks. I will test it in the next few days and report back.

Tests are passing locally with WF11 for major OS'es, just need to check with EL6 as @frozen3 suggested.

Tested on CentOS 7. Encountered no problems.

Docs updated or will be updated.
Tested with wildfly 23, al things where working. closing here