
Update facts pie chart to reflect filter applied to table?

optiz0r opened this issue · 0 comments

As an operator
When reviewing fact values across the entire estate
I often want to visualise the range of values for a specific subset of nodes or values

For example, I might want to:

  • review the distribution of operating system versions in use by a specific team, or in a specific environment, by filtering on hostname
  • review the number of minor releases of a particular operating system in use by filtering the first digit of the value being a specific number

Having the filter box on the table of raw data is helpful, but it would be really nice to apply the results of this filter to the pie chart, and have it updated in real time. Then I can quickly visualise the effect of the filter. I know I can manually deselect specific values from the pie chart and have it re-render without those, however it can be fiddly to hide lots of unwanted values, and only lets view a subset of fact values, but not a subset of nodes.

This is one of the few features I still fall back to puppetexplorer for, however that project is unmaintained, and mostly crashes the browser with a large puppet environment.