
Query page PQL raw does not match puppetdb_query output

jgrammen-agilitypr opened this issue · 2 comments

The raw output in puppetboard does not produce output that matches the value from puppetdb_query.
Perhaps a toggle or flag could be added that produces output consistent with puppetdb_query. If I run a pql query in the dashboard I would expect the same query in puppetdb_query to return the same output.

pql endpoint query with raw checked:

inventory[certname, facts.ec2_metadata.network.interfaces.macs, facts.macaddress] { certname='host01.agilitypr.internal' or certname='host01.internal'}


            "11:aa:11:aa:11:aa": {
                "device-number": "0",
                "interface-id": "eni-aa888888888880000",
                "local-hostname": "ip-10-10-10-10.internal a.internal b.internal",
                "local-ipv4s": "",
                "mac": "11:aa:11:aa:11:aa",
                "owner-id": "123451234123",
                "security-group-ids": "sg-asdf12341233544123",
                "security-groups": "CA04V150-haproxy",
                "subnet-id": "subnet-0asdf09098877",
                "subnet-ipv4-cidr-block": "",
                "vpc-id": "vpc-asdfasdf",
                "vpc-ipv4-cidr-block": "",
                "vpc-ipv4-cidr-blocks": ""
            "22:bb:22:bb:22:bb": {
                "device-number": "0",
                "interface-id": "eni-11211100000000012",
                "local-hostname": "ip-10-10-10-8.internal a.internal b.internal",
                "local-ipv4s": "\n10.10.10.8",
                "mac": "22:bb:22:bb:22:bb",
                "owner-id": "123451234123",
                "security-group-ids": "sg-asdf12341233544123",
                "security-groups": "CA04V150-haproxy",
                "subnet-id": "subnet-0asdf09098877",
                "subnet-ipv4-cidr-block": "10.10.10..0/24",
                "vpc-id": "vpc-asdfasdf",
                "vpc-ipv4-cidr-block": "",
                "vpc-ipv4-cidr-blocks": ""

output from puppetdb_query

      certname => host2.internal,
      facts.ec2_metadata.network.interfaces.macs => {
         22:bb:22:bb:22:bb => {
            mac => 22:bb:22:bb:22:bb,
            vpc-id => vpc-asdfasdf",
            owner-id => 123451234123,
            subnet-id => subnet-0asdf09098877,
            local-ipv4s =>,
            interface-id => eni-11211100000000012,
            device-number => 0,
            local-hostname => ip-10-10-10-8.internal a.internal b.internal,
            security-groups => CA04V150-haproxy,
            security-group-ids => sg-asdf12341233544123,
            vpc-ipv4-cidr-block =>,
            vpc-ipv4-cidr-blocks =>,
            subnet-ipv4-cidr-block =>
      facts.macaddress => 22:bb:22:bb:22:bb
      certname => host1.internal,
      facts.ec2_metadata.network.interfaces.macs =>{
         11:aa:11:aa:11:aa => {
            mac => 11:aa:11:aa:11:aa,
            vpc-id => vpc-asdfasdf,
            owner-id => 123451234123,
            subnet-id => subnet-0asdf09098877,
            local-ipv4s =>\n10.10.10.8,
            interface-id => eni-aa888888888880000,
            device-number => 0,
            local-hostname => ip-10-10-10-10.internal a.internal b.internal,
            security-groups => CA04V150-haproxy,
            security-group-ids => sg-asdf12341233544123,
            vpc-ipv4-cidr-block =>,
            vpc-ipv4-cidr-blocks =>,
            subnet-ipv4-cidr-block =>
      facts.macaddress => 11:aa:11:aa:11:aa

now granted puppetdb query doesn't produce json, but the schema/layout of the data is completely different, as the puppetdb_query has key value pairs. With keys being the field names listed in the pql query

It would be nice if puppetboard has a way of showing the actual output that puppetdb_query would produce, as I had a very frustrating debugging sessions when i used the puppetboard raw output as mock data, only to realize that it doesn't match the puppetdb_query output.

Hi @jgrammen-agilitypr! Thanks for reporting this.

You are right, when implementing #654 I did the change that the query results are split into columns and rows for the purpose of showing the results as a table. However back then we also started to show only the rows as the response in the JSON view...

I have already prepared a fix this, see the linked PR. :)

Fixed in v3.6.1 released today.