
errors are showing unchanged instead of failed

rismoney opened this issue · 6 comments

On the nodes tab, if I pick out a machine that I know had a failure, is showing "green unchanged" but if I click in on it, there is an error. I think somewhere the logic is broken, in determining this failure.


2:07:42 | err | Error while evaluating a Resource Statement:Duplicate declaration: Package[textpad] is already declared at (file: …/master/modules/workstation/manifests/windows.pp, line: 4); cannot redeclare (file: …/master/modules/editor/manifests/textpad.pp, line: 3)…in …/master/modules/editor/manifests/textpad.pp, line: 3, column: 3. |  
-- | -- | -- | --
12:07:53 | notice | Applied catalog in 10.69 seconds


To add more info I am running on the following containers:


Hi @rismoney, thanks for reporting the issue!

I am having a slight problem understanding the issue though.. Could you add a screenshot of the whole Report view that shows the failed report?

Thanks, @rismoney.
Seeing the screenshot rang a bell.
It looks like it's the same case as discussed in #449, please check it out.

Ok, I implemented usecacheonfailure=false, and will report back if I see this issue resurface.

I haven't seen this, and will reopen if I see a scenario where a resource was unchanged but things changed within.