
Level-err does not shown as Failure in Puppetboard

erdoking opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

I got the message "Syntax error at end of input .." with Error-Level because of missing bracket at the end of the class.
But Puppetboard doesn't notice it. The node is marked as unchanged.

Puppetboard version

F.e. 4.0.3

Environment and installation method


  • Debian 11 on LXC-Container
  • installed with the Forge module v9.0.0 and using the PyPI package (default).

I checked all of my 47 nodes manually and found 2 more server with errors that not shown on the board.
Puppetboard was one of this two ;)

Error while evaluating a Function Call:  
'pip' installation method uses $version parameter to specify version, not $revision.

…in /etc/puppetlabs/code/nodes/erdo.dmz/puppetboard/modules/puppetboard/manifests/init.pp, line: 145, column: 9.

this because of voxpupuli/puppet-puppetboard@2d3e850 where they changed the default install method from vcsrepo tot pip.

You can test it when you change

  class { 'puppetboard':
    install_from        => 'vcsrepo',
    install_from        => 'vcsrepo',

Edit: I am not completely sure but i seems that Errors from Source "Puppet" are ignored

Hi @erdoking! Thanks for reporting this.

I am guessing that you are using the default usecacheonfailure = true in your puppet.conf which causes the puppet runs to not really fail if there is a compilation issue as the cached catalog is used then.

See #449 (comment) and other messages in that issue for more info.

Is that your case?

If so, then we should probably add this info to the docs as you are not the first person that stumbles upon it...

Hi @gdubicki

this works for me! fantastic thank you.
Documentation sounds fantastic ;)

Edit - some more informations...

After adding this line puppetboard show me this error:

11:18:47 err Syntax error at end of input (file: …/production/site/profile/manifests/dmz/wordpress.pp)  
11:18:47 warning Not using cache on failed catalog  
11:18:47 err Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
