
Puppetboard 4.3.0 very slow with Chrome Dark Reader extension

akomakom opened this issue · 1 comments

While this may not be a puppetboard bug, I'm hoping that finding this will save people hours of troubleshooting. In several years of using this extension, this is the first time I've seen it impact the UX in this manner.

Describe the bug

Puppetboard 4.3.0 operates very slowly when Chrome Dark Reader extension (v4.9.63) is installed. Page loads average over one minute. Chrome console shows svg/font loading over and over (thousands of times). Turning off Dark Reader extension for the puppetboard url resolves the issue.

Puppetboard version


Environment and installation method

  • Ubuntu 22.04, Python 3.8 (venv configured by puppetboard puppet module)
  • Chrome 113.0.5672.126
  • Dark Reader extension 4.9.63

Seeing this on the latest version, 5.2.0, as well. The problem is less severe on Firefox with Dark Reader, but still present. As a workaround, switch Dark Reader to filter or filter+ mode for the Puppetboard site. Then I decrease the Dark Reader contrast to make it look more readable like the "dynamic" mode.