
Active connections on virtual server

marintrooper23 opened this issue · 1 comments

Good afternoon. Now the module gives information about active connections in the context of the entire server. Is it possible to make settings in such a way that connections would be given to only one virtual server?
curl http://nginx-host:8060/metrics/format/json | jq
"hostName": "nginx-host",
"moduleVersion": "0.1.19.dev.91bdb14",
"nginxVersion": "1.20.1",
"loadMsec": 1644713167997,
"nowMsec": 1644987101340,
"connections": {
"active": 2,
"reading": 0,
"writing": 1,
"waiting": 1,
"accepted": 185038,
"handled": 185038,
"requests": 221028
At the moment, the module gives information about connections only in the context of the entire server

vozlt commented

The feature is directly taken from the ngx_http_stub_status_module function of nginx.
For that reason, it seems difficult to implement that feature at the moment.