
websocket have an effect on average response time

suningzh opened this issue · 1 comments

Let us suppose that
Nginx processes 10000 http requests in 1s,every request's reponse time maybe 5ms,
just at this time a websocket client close the connection,nginx log this websocket handshake request,this request's reponse time maybe 30mins or more

when we use vts module, because of this websocket request, the average response time is not very perfect
should we calculate the websocket request response time ?

@suningzh Thanks reporting and sorry for late. You said that the response time which is calculated by this module might record 2000 second for 10k request per sec.
If it is true, I consider that it seems not to be that response time what we want.
Can you share your nginx.conf and nginx or vts version which reproduce this behavior. I'd like to know what is happened and what the response time does indicate.