Dynamic compilation does not work, but static compilation works.
zelot1982 opened this issue · 1 comments
I am using dynamic compilation to load the nginx-module-vts (version 0.2.2) on Nginx version 1.24.0. After completing the compilation and make modules, I configured the ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_module.so file in nginx.conf. However, during the configuration check, I encountered the following error:"ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_module.so" failed (/usr/local/nginx/module/ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_module.so: undefined symbol: ngx_stat_accepted)
Compilation parameters: ./configure --with-compat --add-dynamic-module=../nginx-module-vts-0.2.2.
I found that static compilation works correctly and allows me to add the vhost_traffic_status_zone; configuration. Static compilation parameters: ./configure --add-module=../nginx-module-vts-0.2.2.
I noticed that nginx-module-vts supports up to Nginx version 1.22.x. Could it be that the issue is due to exceeding the supported version? However, if it is a version issue, why does static compilation work correctly?