
issue opening nVennOGL.exe for a venn diagram with 15 sets (W10)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I want to make a venn diagram for 15 sets.
I have followed the instructions that vqf, the creator of the package, has kindly indicated to me through this stackoverflow query. Unfortunately, nVennOGL.exe is not working for me.
I have created the file venn.txt, according to the format indicated in the README of the package repo, but when I run the nVennOGL.exe, nothing happens (neither a window opens, nor a new file is created). The files are in the same folder

vqf commented

You need to add a line below the first one with the number of groups. The result would be like this:

nVenn v1.2

In my computer, the initial step works, but the process is extremely slow and freezes from time to time. You might consider producing smaller diagrams with the disjoint parts of your dataset. If this is not practical, we may consider adding a tweaking mechanism to make this possible.

oh my god ... how fool I am ... I didn't realize that little detail. Well, I'm running the nVennOGL.exe at this moment. It's going more than 11 hours and the graphic doesn't seem to move yet. I have already given high priority to this process but it still doesn't take full advantage of the entire CPU.
About the idea of producing smaller diagrams by parts of the data set, in fact, it is what I am wanting to do ... I must make 3 diagrams with 15 sets so as not to make only 1 of 48 sets. The issue of making them separately, is that I lose the proportionality between the sets; a functionality that I consider extremely valuable in this package.


well, after 18hs the CPU has continued working but the image remains the same. I guess this is not the way

vqf commented

I intend to add a switch to keep a certain scale in the result, which would allow you to make the figure by parts. Please give me a couple days.