Canvas leaves matrix stack in a different state compared to Vanilla renderer
zml2008 opened this issue · 1 comments
zml2008 commented
System Information
- Minecraft Version: 1.18.1
- Canvas Version: 1.0.2302
- Operating System: Windows 10
- Graphics Card: Nvidia RTX 2060
Other mods and versions installed
- Fabric API 0.46.1
- worldedit 7.2.9-SNAPSHOT+6083-ab31481
- worldeditcui 1.18.1+01-SNAPSHOT
How you triggered the behavior
- enter singleplayer world, make a selection with WorldEdit
What you expected would happen
- Overlay would be drawn in world space, unaffected by the camera
What actually happened
- Overlay position is affected by the camera
Logs and screenshots
See a quick recording:
WECUI uses fabric API's world render events for its rendering hooks -- see here:
spiralhalo commented
Thank you for reporting this! Should be fixed in ccb05b2