
WI Zoom and Canvas Chunk rendering incompatibility

doctor4t opened this issue · 3 comments

System Information

  • Minecraft Version: 1.19
  • Canvas Version: mc119-1.0.2410
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

Other mods and versions installed

  • fabric-1.2.3
  • lumi-4.5.6
  • WI-Zoom-1.4-MC1.19
  • fabric-carpet-1.19.1-pre2-1.4.80+v220705
  • darkness-fabric-mc119-2.0.94

How you triggered the behavior

  • start minecraft
  • log into singleplayer world
  • issue may or may not occur, but was found to inconsistently occur ~80% of the time

What you expected would happen

  • Chunks render properly at the distance set by the user

What actually happened

  • One or two chunks max render around the player. Entities in distant chunks are still visible, blocks won't render.

Logs and screenshots

I submitted a fix on their side, but their CLA thing seems worrying. Well, it's up to them to accept it. In the meantime, logical zoom and Ok zoomer seems to work just fine.

@spiralhalo Hey it seems its waiting on you to sign the contributor agreement

I can't seem to reproduce this bug anymore in all supported mc versions: 1.18.2,1.19, 1.19.2 (future)
Using loader 0.14.8 and WI Zoom version 1.4.
For once the bug fixes itself. Please comment on the issue if anyone finds otherwise.