
Crash at startup when using with Custom Machinery

Closed this issue · 6 comments

System Information

  • Minecraft Version: 1.18.2
  • Canvas Version: canvas-fabric-18.2.2616
  • Operating System: win11
  • Graphics Card: AMD Vega8

Other mods and versions installed

  • fabric-0.14.21
  • fabric API-0.76.0
  • CustomMachinery-fabric-1.18.2-0.8.3
  • architectury-4.11.89-fabric (dependency of CM)
  • cloth-config-6.4.90-fabric (dependency of CM)
  • TechReborn-5.2.1 (dependency of CM)

How you triggered the behavior

  • start minecraft
  • crash

Logs and screenshots


I have some knowledge about mixin, and I found a cretain part in crash report that's very likely to be the reason:
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: @At("INVOKE") on net/minecraft/class_778::custommachinery$getLightEmission with priority 1000 cannot inject into net/minecraft/class_778::method_3374(Lnet/minecraft/class_1920;Lnet/minecraft/class_1087;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;Lnet/minecraft/class_4588;ZLjava/util/Random;JI)Z merged by grondag.canvas.mixin.MixinModelBlockRenderer with priority 1000 [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> custommachinery.fabric.mixins.json:ModelBlockRendererMixin from mod custommachinery -> Prepare Injections -> -> redirect$zfh000$custommachinery$getLightEmission(Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1920;Lnet/minecraft/class_1087;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)I -> Prepare]

Also, the same issue : Frinn38/Custom-Machinery#94

supsm commented

Hi, it seems that my pull request #408 for 1.19 (which fixes this issue) has only been merged into 1.18 branch in the latest commit. Could you try compiling it yourself? And @spiralhalo could you consider releasing another 1.18.2 release?

Could you try compiling it yourself?

I don't know how to, so I might better just wait for a new release.

supsm commented

New release 18.2.2621 is out, maybe give that a shot

I tested the new release myself. Thanks for the report

On a side note, Custom Machinery has a rendering issue relating to matrix state, but this is confirmed reproducible without Canvas thus is unrelated to Canvas.

@spiralhalo Would you mind giving some infos about this rendering issue of CM, either on the github or the discord ?

supsm commented

@Frinn38 discussion of other issues should be done on canvas or a separate Github issue for better bookkeeping.