
Chunks not rendering in a perimeter around player on servers

Opened this issue · 1 comments

System Information

  • Minecraft Version: 1.19.4
  • Canvas Version: 19.4.2590
  • Operating System: Windows 11
  • Graphics Card: RTX 2060 Super

Other mods and versions installed
List of mods
(Litematica rendering is disabled)

How you triggered the behavior

  • Start minecraft
  • Client render and simulation distance 16
  • Log onto a minecraft server (server render distance -16)
  • Fly at high altitudes back and forth with an elytra (below cloud level)

What you expected would happen

  • All chunks within the render distance be rendered

What actually happened

  • In my case there is a perimeter of chunks around me which do not render which also follow the player. The unrendered chunks start at around 12 chunks out.

Logs and screenshots

Update: The issue is indeed reproducible with only canvas mod in the mods folder.