
Location information not available

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm having an issue with the rewrite code where all users' location data comes back as None. They aren't in private worlds according to the VRChat website, however User.location, User.world_id, and User.instance_id are all None.

Any assistance in figuring this out would be greatly appreciated. The location information is primarily what I need here.


EDIT: Here's the last portion of the user object I'm getting:

    'last_login': '2020-12-12T12:49:15.026Z',
    'status': 'active',
    'bio': '',
    'location': None,
    'bio_links': [],
    'state': 'online',
    'friend_key': '###REDACTED###',
    'world_id': None,
    'instance_id': None,
    'allow_avatar_copying': False

I'm having an issue with the rewrite code where all users' location data comes back as None. They aren't in private worlds according to the VRChat website, however User.location, User.world_id, and User.instance_id are all None.

Any assistance in figuring this out would be greatly appreciated. The location information is primarily what I need here.


EDIT: Here's the last portion of the user object I'm getting:

    'last_login': '2020-12-12T12:49:15.026Z',
    'status': 'active',
    'bio': '',
    'location': None,
    'bio_links': [],
    'state': 'online',
    'friend_key': '###REDACTED###',
    'world_id': None,
    'instance_id': None,
    'allow_avatar_copying': False

Thanks for reporting this!

It looks like I've accidentally created User instances (Which have world_id and instance_id as optional keys) instead of LimitedUser instances (which don't). When receiving a User object (not a LimitedUser init'd as a User) world_id and instance_id should be filled,

Other than that, I can't reproduce User.location returning None when it shouldn't. Can you send the User.raw of a User object that fails like this (don't forget to censor things you don't want people to see!)? Thanks :)

If after my next commit referencing this issue you stop receiving these errors, please close the issue :)

I had no issues with the master branch, only the rewrite. I'm not sure if it's my code that's the issue, or if it's a bug in the API Wrapper, as there's not really much documentation to go off of.

Here's one of the objects I got back:

    'loop': <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=True closed=False debug=False>,
    'client': <vrcpy.client.Client object at 0x7fa9093a9280>,
    'raw': {
        'id': 'usr_####################',
        'username': '##########',
        'displayName': '###########',
        'userIcon': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/file/file_####################',
        'bio': '',
        'bioLinks': [],
        'currentAvatarImageUrl': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/file/######################', 
        'currentAvatarThumbnailImageUrl': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/image/###############',
        'fallbackAvatar': '#############',
        'status': 'active',
        'statusDescription': '###############',
        'state': 'online',
        'tags': [
        'developerType': 'none',
        'last_login': '2020-12-12T12:49:15.026Z',
        'last_platform': 'standalonewindows',
        'allowAvatarCopying': False,
        'isFriend': True,
        'friendKey': '#################'},
    'username': '#######',
    'display_name': '##########',
    'id': '##############################',
    'avatar_image_url': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/file/################',
    'avatar_thumbnail_url': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/image/#############',
    'last_platform': 'standalonewindows',
    'tags': [
    'developer_type': 'none',
    'is_friend': True,
    'status_description': '############',
    'last_login': '2020-12-12T12:49:15.026Z',
    'status': 'active',
    'bio': '',
    'location': None,
    'bio_links': [],
    'state': 'online',
    'friend_key': '##############',
    'world_id': None,
    'instance_id': None,
    'allow_avatar_copying': False

Here's the code I'm using:

import vrcpy
import asyncio
from termcolor import colored
from datetime import datetime

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = vrcpy.Client(loop=loop)

def printd(string):
    timestamp = (str(datetime.now().strftime("%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S)")))
    string = colored(timestamp, 'magenta') + ' - ' + string

async def main(username, password):
    await client.login(

        # Start the ws event loop
        await client.start()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        await client.logout()

async def start(username, password):
    loop.create_task(main(username, password))

async def on_friend_location(friend_b, friend_a):
    #printd(friend_a.__dict__)  # Used this for diagnosis
    printd("{} is now in {}#{}.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green'),
                                       colored(friend_a.location, 'yellow'), friend_a.instance_id))
    #                                "a private world" if friend_a.location is None else friend_a.location))

#async def on_friend_offline(friend_a):
#    printd("{} went offline.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green')))

async def on_friend_active(friend_a):
    printd("{} is now {}.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green'), friend_a.state))

async def on_friend_online(friend_a):
    printd("{} is now {}.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green'), colored(('online'), 'cyan')))

async def on_friend_add(friend_b, friend_a):
    printd("{} is now your friend.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green')))

async def on_friend_delete(friend_b, friend_a):
    printd("{} is no longer your friend.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green')))

#async def on_friend_update(friend_b, friend_a):
#    printd("{} has updated their profile/account.".format(colored(friend_a.display_name, 'green')))

#async def on_notification(notification):
#    printd("Got a {} notification from {}.".format(
#        notification.type, notification.senderUsername))

async def on_connect():
    printd("Connected to wss pipeline.")

async def on_disconnect():
    printd("Disconnected from wss pipeline.")

As I said before, internally the wrapper was initializing LimitedUsers as Users, meaning they had keys they don't use (being instance_id and world_id). This is fixed now in 7efa947. There is nothing wrong with your code.

Though, as well, with the two examples you provided the users are "active" (User.status), meaning they aren't in game, and as such don't have a location.

The codeblock below is what your last replies object is built on. This is the raw json retrieved directly from VRC.
As this is a LimitedUser, it doesn't have, and will never have keys for world_id and instance_id.

'raw': { 'id': 'usr_####################', 'username': '##########', 'displayName': '###########', 'userIcon': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/file/file_####################', 'bio': '', 'bioLinks': [], 'currentAvatarImageUrl': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/file/######################', 'currentAvatarThumbnailImageUrl': 'https://api.vrchat.cloud/api/1/image/###############', 'fallbackAvatar': '#############', 'status': 'active', 'statusDescription': '###############', 'state': 'online', 'tags': [ 'system_world_access', 'system_avatar_access', 'system_trust_basic', 'system_feedback_access', 'system_trust_known', 'system_trust_trusted', 'language_nld', 'language_eng', 'system_supporter', 'system_early_adopter', 'system_trust_veteran'], 'developerType': 'none', 'last_login': '2020-12-12T12:49:15.026Z', 'last_platform': 'standalonewindows', 'allowAvatarCopying': False, 'isFriend': True, 'friendKey': '#################' },

Also note, location isn't being included in on_friend_location, I'm working to fix that now

Reopen this issue if you have any more problems with this, thanks.