
Created too many sessions for that user

nupamore opened this issue · 5 comments

auth/user response 429 ': Created too many sessions for that user'
It's been about 12 hours since I stopped calling the API. Will it expire someday?

Oh, I can login now

I haven't seen this error before, If you see it again, I'd be curious.

Saw it on my dummy account when trying to get world instance. It's possible that it limits the number of requests. It still works with other requests though.

Saw it on my dummy account when trying to get world instance. It's possible that it limits the number of requests. It still works with other requests though.

Alright, thanks for the information.

Each time you use the Basic authorization without an auth cookie it creates a new cookie (for a new session). So if anyone gets this issue in the future make sure you use the cookie that the login endpoint gives you!